JSCNHM home • Fall 2013 • vol. 5 no. 2

Dinosaurs of the Sierra Nevada

Richard Hilton

Geologist and Paleontologist, Sierra College

In March 2007, Richard Hilton, renowned paleontologist, presented a lecture on “The Dinosaurs of the Sierra Nevada” to the Sierra College class named Interdisciplinary 6: The Sierra Nevada.

Prominent paleontologist Dick Hilton examined the fascinating history of dinosaurs in California, and specifically in the Sierra Nevada, in an illustrated lecture that drew upon his decades of scholarly research. Dick Hilton

Dick Hilton is a professor of geology and paleontology at Sierra College. He has a Bachelors degree in Geology with a minor in Biology, and a Masters degree in Earth Science from California State University, Chico. He is a paleontological consultant and an avid nature photographer. He is Chair of the Sierra College Natural History Museum, and a board member of the California State University Chico, Geoscience Board and the Northern California Natural History Museum. He is a member of the California Natural History Film Project. He has published numerous scientific articles in the field of vertebrate paleontology and a book entitled, Dinosaurs and other Mesozoic Reptiles of California, (University of California Press, 2003). Dick made the first discovery of dinosaur bones in Northern California.

The following was part of a classroom presentation. As a result, there may be references to charts, diagrams, photos or other unseen imagery.

This presentation was originally a “SierraCast,” a podcast from the Sierra College Center for Sierra Nevada Studies website, the Sierra Nevada Virtual Museum, which was online from 2005-2012.

This presentation begins with Dick Hilton describing the scope of his lecture and the concept of the “first Sierra Nevada.”

This presentation is 103 minutes. Introduction read by Gary Noy, Director emeritus of the Sierra College Center for Sierra Nevada Studies and former Editor-in-Chief of the Sierra College Press.

Photo credits:

Dick Hilton – courtesy of Sierra College Natural History Museum, photo by Mike Price


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