Earth Day
by Gaylord Nelson
Gaylord Nelson
a biography
John Muir
a biography
John Muir Quotes
read by Dan DeFoe
The Power of Trees
by Joe Medeiros
The Real Day After Tomorrow
by Dr. Jeff Price
Lee Stetson
a profile
John Muir and the Sierra Nevada – Creating an Icon of Conservation
By Carl Zichella
Joe Medeiros in the Sierra
Issue Contributors
Dan DeFoe
Joe Medeiros
Gaylord Nelson
John Muir
Dr. Jeff Price
Lee Stetson
Carl Zichella
Previous Issues
vol 1 no 1 Winter 2008
SC Press e-Journals
Snowy Range Reflections
• Winter 2008 • vol. 1 no. 2
Joe Medeiros in the Sierra Nevada
by Joe Medeiros
Sierra College, Biology/Botany, retired
Here are three Quicktime presentations of Joe's work:
Sierra College | Natural History Museum | © 2008 JSCNHM
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