Welcome to the Natural History Museum
Richard Hilton
Chair, Natural History Museum Committee
An audio welcome from Dick Hilton (.mp3)

This is your museum, paid for by taxpayers, and expanded and maintained by the hard work of staff, students, and volunteers. Take your time when you visit. Don’t miss the animals from every continent and the fossils from every age. There are dinosaurs, uintatheres, sabertooths, and giant clams. Don’t overlook the fossil plants, the Sierra Nevada biome, a cone display and the skull collection. There are minerals, a seismograph for measuring earthquakes, and an interactive weather station. And don’t forget that this is just portion of what’s available to you. Go outside and see the desert garden, the arboreta, and the nature trail, too.
There are also programs for you: a biannual “Dinosaur Day” that thousands attend, and monthly science programs that hundreds enjoy. The Science Club provides docents to guide school children and other groups visiting the museum. Please join us and support your museum and its future. Most of all enjoy nature and help save the natural world for your children and grandchildren.